Jacob Manser
Hailing from Columbus, Ohio, Jacob ran his first campaign in high school and never looked back. After spending a few cycles on statewide and national campaigns, Jacob worked as a consultant helping clients use data to win elections. Most recently, he worked at the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee where he helped win eight new Democratic majorities in 2018.
At GSG, Jacob serves as the nexus between the various teams within the Research Practice. Responsible for managing various workstreams and initiatives across the practice, he makes sure our team is constantly evolving and improving. Additionally, Jacob manages our voter file and data systems, ensuring that our clients benefit from the industry’s best elections data.
Jacob is an alumnus of The Ohio State University, where he majored in political science and minored in sociology. He serves as board chair for a youth leadership nonprofit and is a proud recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award. When not hunched over a spreadsheet, Jacob enjoys cooking, wandering around New York City, and yelling at professional athletes from his couch.