Andrew Batcheller
Associate, Research
Isolating in Long Island, NY
What has been the biggest challenge, surprise, or learning since changing to a remote work environment?
The main challenge has been not being able to work off of paper when I’m reviewing stuff. Having to do everything on a computer screen (proofing, number checking, reviewing) has been a challenge.
How do you differentiate your “work” vs “personal” time?
During the week there isn’t a ton of time to differentiate, but on the weekends its been nice to go for walks/runs or read outside to get away.
What is the last show you binge watched or guilty pleasure movie of choice?
Binge watched all of the Harry Potter movies, Westworld: Season 3, Altered Carbon, and finished watching Turn…I’m really running out of things to watch.
Have you discovered any hidden talents or taken up any new hobbies?
My girlfriend and I have been doing a lot of baking. I should stipulate that we were doing this pre-corona (so we’re not bandwagon bakers here), but now we’ve had a lot more time for it. We’ve baked baguettes, donuts, bagels, croissants, and a bunch of other stuff. As someone who loves bread and could eat it for every meal of the day – it’s been great.
Kerri Fagan
Executive Assistant to Marc, Tanya, Roy, Charlotte, and Christopher
Isolating in Portland, CT
What has been the biggest challenge, surprise, or learning since changing to a remote work environment?
As members of the HQ happy hours can attest, my children insisting on attending (or preforming for) zoom calls has been my biggest challenge. There is something really special about keeping a professional and poised face while you can see your toddler running around in the backyard in only a diaper and a super hero cape chasing his sister with a shovel.
How do you differentiate your “work” vs “personal” time?
This is the battle right?
Shutting off is something I’ve always struggled with and it’s even worse while at home. I feel guilty when someone calls and I’m away from my desk, even when it’s stretching my legs or eating lunch. I’ve starting taking long walks in the morning so I don’t sit down at the computer at 7AM each day, which seems to be helping.
Which remote working adjustments do you hope will translate back to the office?
Working in the Connecticut office has meant that 95% of my interactions at the firm have always been done virtually. But with everyone else at home, I’ve found that I’ve actually felt more connected with my coworkers than ever before. It’s been really nice to regularly interact with folks that I don’t normally see outside of the retreat and I hope that continues when offices start opening again.
What is the first thing you plan to do post-isolation?
A child-free girl’s trip. Somewhere quiet with a spa and endless rosé.
What is the last show you binge watched or guilty pleasure movie of choice?
We’ve been watching House Hunters: Comedians on Couches and it’s is delightfully judgy and funny.
Have you discovered any hidden talents or taken up any new hobbies?
Being a former Camp Counselor (shout out Camp Huckins) has really come in handy in quarantine. We’ve done a lot of painting, making friendship bracelets for everyone we know, gimp keychains, decorating cigar boxes – you name it.
And after the kids go to bed, I’ve been cross stitching big flowery curse words to mail to fellow parents.