Black people have been fighting for equity and inclusion for a very long time. The shocking deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have sparked the recent outrage but there are countless others whose final moments we have watched on video or read about in the news. These episodes continue to remind us of the structural and institutional inequality, prejudice and outright hostility many Black Americans — in all walks of life — face every single day.
When a pandemic strikes, Black communities are among the hardest hit. When an economic downturn invades America, Black people are on the front line of losing their jobs and having their lives up-ended. When law enforcement oversteps, Black people bear the brunt of their mistreatment.
Black people are angry. Black people are exhausted. Black people deserve better.
As an organization, Global Strategy Group is committed to equity and social justice. We stand in solidarity with the Black community in protesting the senseless death of George Floyd, and too many others before him.
GSG is a family of individuals who are personally devoted to addressing issues of equity of all kinds. We’re proud that so many of our team members have dedicated their professional lives to confronting racial disparities and inequality in society. We stand committed to channeling the anguish we feel at this moment into provoking change and accountability.
We are also proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with our many valued clients who seek to lift up underserved communities and are voices for justice during this challenging time and always.
This work is critical to the change we demand and must continue.