Professional Life and Accomplishments
In 100 words or less, tell us about your career path.
I grew up in Broward County, Florida – Fort Lauderdale – and yes, I’m a proud Floridian/apologizer. During college I volunteered then worked for the 2012 Obama campaign and never looked back. I wanted a way to bridge my Economics major (geeky side of me) with my love of politics so naturally ended up in the data/targeting/analytics campaign space. While in the analytics world, I’ve worked for NextGen, Human Rights Campaign, DCCC (2 cycles) and most recently Kamala Harris For The People. I absolutely love analytics, but extremely excited to dig deep into the research world!
What accomplishment are you most proud of OR what has been your biggest success to date?
By far, being part of the team that took back the House. Post 2016 I was outraged – and as an immigrant/woman was also very scared – so I made the crazy decision of staying at the DCCC for another cycle. This is the best career decision I’ve ever made.
What is the best piece of advice you would give (or have already given) to women starting out in our industry?
Follow your passion. This has been my guiding light throughout my career, and it’s gotten me through rough cycles, hard losses, and long nights. Be passionate about what you’re doing and the expertise will soon follow.
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
A mentor once told me to “flower where you’re planted” and I’ve taken it to heart. Become really good at one thing you love and you’ll be able to bloom throughout.
More about Rosa
If you could learn to do one thing, what would it be?
I really envy people who describe themselves as “runners.” I would genuinely love to learn how to be one.
Name a song on your playlist that no one would believe is there.
Breakfast in America by Supertramp. My mom used to blast it in the car when I was little – “this is the only way you listen to rock” – and now so do I.
Who would play you in a movie/tv show?
Maya Rudolph. I absolutely love her.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Lawyer (haha) – I’ve been pretty type-A since the beginning.