Professional Life and Accomplishments
In 100 words or less, tell us about your career path.
Having graduated from college as an English major shortly after the financial crisis, I was desperate to land a job that actually paid and appeared stable, which led me to Bloomberg LP (the financial data company, not the mayor’s office!). The coolest things about that first job were walking by live news broadcasts 10x/day and Bloomberg’s amazing 30 ft free snack pantry… both which get old after a year or two! After a long stint at a NYC hedge fund and 6 years of trying to convince myself I liked finance, I switched over to a strategic comms agency, Brunswick Group, and one move up to CT later found myself knocking on GSG’s door. I find the work we do so much more interesting and intellectually stimulating than anything I did before in financial services and feel super lucky to be part of this great group.
What is the best piece of advice you would give (or have already given) to women starting out in our industry?
Don’t let your age get in the way. I had a manager who told me once the sooner I stop thinking about how young I am the more successful I’ll be. Especially when you’re a female in a heavily male dominated industry (as I was for the first 6 years), it’s easy for that to sidetrack your confidence.
Who are your female mentors, role models, favorite trail blazers, or heroes?
For one, my grandmother on my father’s side. Ever since I was a little kid I’ve looked up to her as the strongest woman I know. She was an up-and-coming Polish clothing designer and amateur tennis pro who was on her honeymoon in NYC displaying her work in the ’39 World’s Fair when Germany invaded Poland, and she never went back. She lost everything – family, career, home, wealth – but never lost herself or her strength. I remember her as tough, graceful, extremely smart, and still playing tennis in her late 80s when she passed away.
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
I had a boss when I was 24 who told me not to be a ‘potted plant’ in meetings. While I still find that phrase somewhat offensive, and it certainly took me aback then, it’s taught me to come prepared with questions and try to push myself to be an active participant, even when it’s all senior people or an intimidating setting.
More about Lauren
What do you do with 30m of free time?
Tough question – if it’s a nice day, take my dog for a walk with my husband, ideally with wine roadie!
What is your favorite TED talk, podcast, or book?
The Boys in the Boat is one of my favorite reads in the past 5 years.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A pro soccer player on the Women’s Olympic Team, basically Mia Hamm. From middle school-on, a journalist.