Professional Life and Accomplishments
In 100 words or less, tell us about your career path.
More of a zig-zag: always was interested in politics and worked on Hillary Clinton’s Senate re-elect and presidential campaigns when I was in college. Worked at the Manhattan DA’s office after college as a paralegal (which weirdly became relevant in my current professional life!) and took the LSAT but wasn’t ready to do the law school thing. Ended up moving to DC with no job but found one working in direct mail/phone campaigns for progressive orgs and labor unions. Moved to Baltimore and joined Ben Cardin’s campaign re-elect in 2012. Then linked back up with my then bf, now husband, in NYC and got a job as press secretary in the New York State Senate where I worked for 2 years. Quit the job when my dad got sick, moved back to California through his time in hospice, and then applied to GSG!
What is the best piece of advice you would give (or have already given) to women starting out in our industry?
Fake it ‘til you make it.
And, remember! The New York political scene is small, so be kind.
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
Attitude is everything
What is your favorite recent GSG campaign you worked on?
Being part of the campaign to @CLOSErikers. But also anything involving criminal justice reform, gun safety, or choice.
More about Anna
What do you do with 30m of free time?
Who is your dream dinner-date guest? (dead or alive)
Marilyn Monroe
What is your favorite TED talk, podcast, or book?
Hard to choose a fave podcast, but Ezra Klein’s recent interview “The cognitive cost of poverty (with Sendhil Mullainathan)” was excellent and his show in general is worth checking out.
Also hard to choose a fave book, but What is the What by Dave Eggers is a masterpiece and particularly relevant in the current wave of anti-immigration.