Jason Green
Vice President, Communications
Isolating in Brooklyn, New York
Have any of your strongest professional skills been tested or broken?
I’m not sure that my strongest professional skills have been tested, but my weakest have been. Organization and time management are more challenging for me and I’ve found those particular skills to be more important now than when things were “normal.” I definitely envy people who have an easier time scheduling their work and personal responsibilities and get everything done in those increments of time.
How do you differentiate your “work” vs “personal” time?
Unfortunately, I really don’t do this. I’m not sure it’s possible under these conditions and all of the solutions/recommendations I’ve read about don’t seem helpful to me.
Which remote working adjustments do you hope will translate back to the office?
I’ve found people/clients – even the worst among them – to be a little more understanding and empathetic. It’s like all of a sudden people realized we are all just humans at work trying to enjoy life, take care of loved ones, and get some stuff done. Remote working has definitely made it harder for people to keep their work and personal personas separate and I think that is a good thing. To me, that makes working easier and more enjoyable, so I hope if we ever return to “normal” that carries over.
What is the last show you binge watched or guilty pleasure movie of choice?
I am currently binge watching Alone. The show puts 5-10 survival experts in a remote location and whoever can stay out there the longest wins a big cash prize. I’m fascinated by people who have primitive survival skills because I have none. Although I like to think I’ve watched enough survival shows that if I really had to, I could build a shelter, start a fire, and forage (don’t EVER eat mushrooms or toads and absolutely do not bring duct tape as one of your survival items) to last at least a respectable amount of time until I was rescued.
Most fun discovery about your new “coworkers”? (partners, children, pets, etc.)
It may not count as a discovery, but it’s been awesome to see my soon to be 8-month-old son (Simon) and dog (Griff) and become friends. They definitely love each other and have a lot of fun playing together. You never really know how dogs will react to babies so that has been a relief.
John Schiumo
Vice President, Communications & Public Affairs
Isolating in Armonk, New York
What has been the biggest challenge, surprise, or learning since changing to a remote work environment?
March was rough; gained pounds, lost patience. Then, in a single moment, my mindset changed when my kids (ages 7, 5, and 3) said how much they loved that I was always home for dinner and bedtime. Any work struggles are now overshadowed by this joyful, innocent perspective.
How do you differentiate your “work” vs “personal” time?
My daily commute shrunk from three hours to three seconds. While this certainly has its benefits, it also further blurs the work/personal lines. In the end, quarantine time has reinforced what I already knew after working 20 years in a newsroom: it’s impossible for me to ignore an email.
What meal have you made the most often?
Chunky peanut butter spoon scoops.
Have you discovered any hidden talents or taken up any new hobbies?
I’ve been doing a lot of work on the house and perfected my talent for screwing up every project. Does that count?
As for a new hobby, I started exercising at night to lose those early Q-pounds and the routine, surprisingly, stuck. Four months later, I’m healthier than I’ve been in years. Go figure.