Professional Life and Accomplishments
In 100 words or less, tell us about your career path.
Certainly not a straight line! DC law firm research assistant > U.S. Chamber of Commerce advocacy campaigns for U.S. trade and business policy issues in the Americas > Built the Council on Foreign Relations Outreach program > Managed communications for a McGraw Hill digital education product (in Delhi, India!) > Global Strategy Group marketing and business development.
What connects the dots of all of these: I’m passionate about building great brands and connecting them with the right audiences—and growing teams and capacity within organizations along the way. That, and I’ve always followed interesting content and great colleagues.
Who are your female mentors, role models, favorite trail blazers, or heroes?
Ann and Cecile Richards. Ann Richards was Governor of Texas when I was growing up in Austin. Even at an early age I remember being so impacted by this dynamo woman Democrat running our state. And Cecile has carried on that legacy in so many amazing ways. I ran into her in Penn Station waiting for the train to DC last year and may have overwhelmed her at my level of fangirl.
What would your co-workers be surprised to know about you?
When I graduated college, I wanted to be a daytime TV/soap opera actress (BIG Days of Our Lives and General Hospital fan here). I starred in a (failed) game show pilot…and then got talked into moving to DC with some of my friends instead…
What accomplishment are you most proud of OR what has been your biggest success to date?
I’m pretty proud of being aworking parent and feeling like I juggle that pretty well most of the time. (There are many people who I credit for helping me do that, including my GSG colleagues!)
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
Own your sh*t. Your successes and your mistakes.
More about Marjorie
If you could learn to do one thing, what would it be?
On my list for 2020 is to learn how to skateboard.
What do you do with 30m of free time?
Waste at least half of it basking in the glory of actually having 30 min of free time!
What is your favorite TED talk, podcast, or book?
I love reading novels based in India. I lived there for 18 months and, to me, it’s one of the most fascinating, complex places in the world. A Fine Balance is one of the most haunting and moving books I’ve read.